Scapulothoracic Joint Injection

Scapulothoracic Joint Injection

        It is not a true joint but rather represents the position of the scapula in the posterior thoracic cage, where it moves freely. At the lower medial border of the scapula, there is a bursa that can become inflamed. This area is an area of ​​inflammation associated with various activities such as pushing, pulling, throwing, and weight lifting.

        Diagnosis is aided by obtaining a history of pain with any of the above activities. On palpation of the area, it may reveal tenderness at the lower medial border of the scapula, as well as crepitus with movement or compression of the scapula against the chest wall.


     The patient’s ipsilateral hand is placed in the same position as the hip to open the scapulothoracic area. The lower medial border of the scapula is then palpated. An aseptic technique is used. The injection is administered by directing the needle parallel to the sub-surface plane of the scapula, not towards the chest wall along the lower medial border of the scapula. It is a short procedure that takes 5 minutes. After the procedure, the patient can be sent home.